I managed to get in some more stitching on this piece of my Great-grandparents 1899 wedding photo. I still need to fix Grandpa Lou's ear but I will get to that eventually. My main goal was just to get back to some stitching. I rather enjoyed working on his suit. It was just the thing I needed to get me motivated to start cross-stitching again.
I also returned to another of my stitching projects that I started over the summer. I was feeling the need to work on something simpler that would stitch up more quickly. So this old Cricket Collection piece of the Lion and the Lamb was screaming at me to be worked on.

I am making rather good progress. Two days ago all I had was the frame border. I felt quite cleaver when it came to the lambs wool. I used to design and stitch needlepoint for a local shop and still have some Appleton's wool left over in my stash and found the perfect white and oyster colors which gave the lamb a fuzzy woolly effect. It is a shame that it just does not show up well in photograph. It is my hope to work more on this piece tonight after I cook dinner. I look forward to a nice relaxing evening of stitching.