Now when I last posted I was taking a break form my knitting and quilting for a while to work on my counted cross-stitching. I have my long term project that I have worked on and off on for 12 year, the "Fairy Idyll" which is is now very nearly complete. I was hoping to have her done by the end of this year but I have a need to set her aside again until after the new year. This is a bit wrinkled right now but you can see the general idea here. And below the fairy is my progress on a piece I am creating based from my great-grandparents 1899 wedding photo. I used a software program to create the chart for it. I need to do some work to fix one of the great-grandfather's ears but this too will have to wait until spring for me to get back to it. The colors for the great-grands piece do not show up well when I photograph them for some reason. I am sure it is a lighting issue. I will try to get a better photo another time.
It is now winter time which for me means back to knitting and hopefully quilting. I was working on quilting that "Shoo-fly" quilt a while back but ran into a disaster. While I sat in a chair hand-quilting in a hoop, I had large portions of the quilt draped over the side and on the floor. Without me realizing it, the dog was sitting down there and he chewed some holes into the the top layer of the quilt! I will be able to repair it but I have to wait until I am able to do so in a calmer frame of mind. I get mad all over again every time I see that quilt! So for now I am keeping it tucked safely away.

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