This is actually an old project I started two years ago and forgot about thus turning it into a UFO. I am not talking about aliens from outer space though sometimes I wonder about some of these projects I have. I realize that the non-crafty friends of mine that may have just been sent to this blog per my request may not have the slightest clue about some of these little crafty terms we crafters and hobbiest often use. In craft speak a UFO = UnFinished Objects which we eventually find our way back to working on and turn them into WIPs = Works In Progress. I found this crochet afghan blanket last December in the forgotten state of UFO and it quickly became a WIP which I found to be a rather enjoyable project to work on. I had forgotten just how much I actually enjoy the process of crochet. I am pleased with the finished piece and as you can see so are the pets. LOL, if you spread it, they will come and hop on top of it. The dog is Mr. Frodo and the little white feline is our youngest cat Zelda the zany. She is so much fun and has quite the sense of humor about her. I rescued her from a cemetery as a wee little kitten that still needed lots of help. She was deathly ill and we had to buy special kitten formula to feed to her. I wasn't too sure she would survive but the plan was to get her healthy and find her a good home. Well here she is four years later and I guess we became her good home, lol. She follows me everywhere in this house! As soon as I spread this afghan out to get a good look at it and photos, both the dog and Zelda immediately hopped up and planted themselves. This afghan is now in my oldest son's collection in his room. He seemed to be rather pleased with it.
Love it!! All the colors are so nice :)
I love it - is it double crochet? I have just taken up crocheting again after about 25 years of not doing it and I am loving it also. Of course I am only on the 2nd row so we will see if I still love it as I go along - lol. I just hope and pray it comes out even on the ends. I wish you were closer to help me!!!
Thank you ladies. Janet this is actually 1 and half crochet stitch. with a chain loop already on your crochet needle wrap the yarn around the hook one time then push your hook through your chain and wrap the yarn around the crochet needle and pull back through the chain and you will have three wraps of yarn around the crochet needle, now use the hook to grab the yarn and pull it through all three loop wraps to complete the stitch. I used a size "N" crochet needle for this afghan.I find that if I am loosey goosey when I make my beginning chain, the finished piece is so much softer and easier to work. As to working the ends, that is always a bother for me too. I had to re-read directions from a book to help me remember how to do it, lol. It said to make a chain at the end of the row ( I do chain 2) and hten turn and work in the second stitch on that the chain counts as the first stitch. If nothing else, a nice border covers a multitude of sin, lol.
very lovely
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