Friday, August 6, 2010

A Blues Melody.....

I really love this afghan! Rarely do I say anything like this about my own work but in this case it really is true. I have loved every stitch I put into this. I made this afghan for my 18 year old son, Jared. It is a reward for his attempts over the past 4 to 6 months of trying to keep his room tidy on his own initiative. He has made so many changes in his maturity of late. For those people who aren't aware, Jared is one of the many that have been diagnosed to fall in the PDD Autism spectrum. When I was first told of his Autism, I was told he would never read, write or do even simple math calculations oh and that he had no consciousness to him. Jared has consistently proved just how wrong that statement was. Not only can he do all those things, but he does them extremely well and is a very bright, verbal, creative and compassionate young man that also happens to be fully main streamed in school and an honor student.  Anyhow, Jared's new found love for keeping his room tidy has greatly impressed me with his moving maturity in the right direction. So since he is making this effort, I felt it would be good to make him something that would be just for him and enhance his room, his personal space. This blues themed color selection is perfect for him and matches the colors of his room perfectly. Jared absolutely loves music of all types and to me the colors moving up and down in value made me think of music notes dancing up and down the scale something which Jared immediately could see when he first saw me working on this afghan. The entire pieces is worked using the half double crochet stitch using a size "N" hook and each color was worked in rows of 6. I added in some white and amethyst as separators for the color repeats. I am not a huge fan of fringe but Jared asked me several times to add the fringe to it and I have to say once I added it, I decided I liked it. I hope you enjoy this afghan as much as we do.


Kristin Dewey said...

That is a BEAUTIFUL afghan!!! How many stitches in one row??

Thanks for sharing!

Richard said...

Ann, this is a gorgeous Blues afghan; can you share the pattern for it with me? I hope you and yours have a wonderful Holiday season!

Richard in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Ann H. said...

Richard, here you go.

I did 165 chains and worked it using the half double crochet stitch. I did each color in a series of 6 rows. My son totally loves it. I tried a binding technique that was new to me and I loved it. It was perfect for this particular afghan. Here is the link to the binding directions.

Richard said...

Thank you for the Afghan information Ann; it is just a beautiful color combination and I am a Blues fan myself; the color and the music too!
