Hmm chaos and yet a finished item, how can that equate? Believe it or not it worked. Ah the beginning..... The search for the lost cord and no I am not referring The Moody Blues album. I am speaking of a lost sewing machine cord. Last spring hubby was in the hospital in dire straights and I gave orders to my sons just after Joe was released to help tidy the house. Well, my dining room was in sewing chaos and stuff got stuffed into containers and carted upstairs. So I have been assuming for a number of months that my sewing machine cord went upstairs in one of those containers. After I all, I have a clear memory of seeing a cord in one of the tubs and the cord to my Viking Designer 1 was in fact not with the machine so for me it only made sense that this had to be the cord. I sent the younger son after the containers one at a time hauling them downstairs for me to dig through them in better lighting. In them I found all sorts of goodies including half of my knitting supplies and a hat I started to knit two and a half years ago when I broke my foot. The hat was nearly finished yet I had managed to stuff it in one of these tubs and it was forgotten about until the search for the cord. I did located the cord I had remembered about in a tub and assumed it was my sewing machine cord. Well, since I had found that hat I decided to focus on knitting the hat instead of sewing so my machine set out on the dining room table waiting for me another 2 weeks before I decided to plug it in. However, the cord was not the correct cord. Good news, I have found the missing cord for my CD Player that I lost last spring, lol! Argh!!! Where was my sewing machine cord? Oh did I mention all this chaos was going on while I was fighting with swine flu?! My younger son and I spent two hours going through more boxes and containers yet we found no cord. I finally went in that room where I store everything and tore through it all like a bull in a china cabinet. Still no cord! I was getting depressed and figured I would have to contact Viking headquarters to see about ordering a new cord. My son commented that he just could not imagine me not putting that cord with my machine or the supplies for it then he headed off to bed and told me we could give searching a try again in the morning. No sooner then he left for bed when the hubby walked through and pretty much said that same thing about his disbelief that my cord would not be with the machine or supplies. At this point I did not want to hear this. I was so grieved and feeling sick about this. I started to head for my computer and thought, well I have checked the china hutch in the dining room three times already, why not try one more time just for the heck of it. I walked in there and up to the cabinet and realized as I looked through the glass doors that in my frenzy I had been checking the lower area behind the solid doors but here in the upper portion behind the glass was a small three drawer chest with my attachments for my machine in it. I though, "Naw, it can't be that simple." "Dare I even hope!?" So I opened the top drawer and out popped my sewing machine cord like a fake snake from a can of peanuts!!!! So let's see here, in search of my sewing machine cord I have found that cord, the missing cord for my CD player and I found a hat I was nearly finished knitting. Well, I think that was pretty good. And I went ahead and finished knitting the hat!
This hat is a double knit hat designed by Nancy Lindberg and it is my very first ever attempt to make a double knit piece. My younger son has adopted it. The colors are not quite the masculine shades of blue I had called in to request from my local yarn shop which were picked up for me by my loving husband while I was laid up in bed for 6 weeks with a broken foot. My son does not mind the light colors and says it is soft and comfortable which is all he cares about.